"Mafia III" is an action-adventure game developed by Hangar 13 and set in the late 1960s in the fictional city of New Bordeaux, inspired by New Orleans. Players step into the shoes of Lincoln Clay, a Vietnam War veteran seeking revenge against the Italian mob for the murder of his family and friends. The game tackles themes of race, betrayal, and the quest for justice, immersing players in a rich narrative that reflects the turbulent social climate of the era. As Lincoln navigates the criminal underworld, he assembles a diverse crew to help him take down rival gameshops factions, each with their unique personalities and skills.
The gameplay in "Mafia III" emphasizes open-world exploration, allowing players to traverse the vibrant city filled with dynamic environments and engaging side activities. Players can approach missions with various strategies, choosing between stealth, brute force, or a combination of both. The combat gameshops system incorporates a mix of hand-to-hand combat and gunplay, providing players with a range of options for tackling their enemies. Additionally, the game features a strong emphasis on narrative choices, as players’ decisions throughout the story can significantly impact the game's outcome and the relationships between characters.
"Mafia III" is noted for its compelling storytelling and atmospheric presentation, with a soundtrack that features iconic songs from the 1960s, enhancing the immersion in the time period. The detailed recreation of New Bordeaux captures the essence of the era, showcasing the cultural and social dynamics of the time. While the game received mixed reviews regarding its gameplay mechanics, its powerful narrative and character development have resonated with many players. With its blend of crime drama and social commentary, "Mafia III" stands out as a unique gameshops entry in the series, offering a thought-provoking exploration of revenge and the consequences of one's actions in a tumultuous world.